I walk to work every morning and every morning I pass Asda, and every morning I have to dodge the shopping trolleys that SOME CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS who cant be bothered carrying there shopping so end up STEALING the shopping trolleys, but what they fail to realise is that most super markets have a clever system that when you take the trolley out of a designated area it automatically locks so it's useless trying to push it cause the wheels wont move.
I have seen people who refuse to give up and drag the trolley, I remember there was ne guy who ended up picking the trolley which was stupid really cause the trolley is heavier than the shopping bags duh!!!!

people eventually give up and what happens is they abandon the trolleys in all sorts of places, middle of the road, pavements, parks, you name the place and I guarantee you that a trolley or a ghost of a trolley has been there.
its such a health hazard, the amount of times that I have moved a trolley of the road so as cars don't crash into them is countless. Eventually some one from Asda will come over and fix the problem, I'm sure they have a committee for the trolley situation where they have annual meetings and conferences lol.
if any one reading this is the culprit who abducts trolleys and put the trolley life and others at risk then STOP now, cause it doing my head in, and its not fair and not considerate on your part and besides imagine if the trolleys had a family, you will be the cause of separation from the trolley family and the kids would be traumatized for the rest of there trolley lives.
think about it....
the most annouying thing is sometimes people leave trollies in the middle of a supermarket car park even though there are many trolly park areas which makes driving quite difficult.
Once I was in Cambridge walking by a cannal, guess what was in the bottom of this cannal?
Yes a trolley!
Look on the bright side....at least people get to have trolley races on the roads rather than in the supermarket aisles!?!?!?!
lol!!! Trolley family!!!
exactly anglo, and im not surprised that there was a trolley in th ebottom of the canal, there every where, its lazy people who cant be bothered.
godfather we all know what you gt up to on a sunday lazy afternoon, trolley racing!!!
That is right Sondes ! Keep it up all the way
hmmmmm, i wonder who you are annon?
Maybe u can go to Asda and ask them to pay u for every trolley u move?
Atleast u will get something out of it! :)
Note/ Now... I know ur name is Sondes. I can Stalk you now! :p
loool at lebeeya, well at least you will be the first female stalker i have had.
i;m gonna look into this getting paid for moving trolleys buisness, tghis may be the beginning of my billionare target lol
Trolleys in canals and what not.........part of urban decay.
Aint got nothin more to say....oh, they do annoy me a lot too.
ok all of u are talking about the trollies outside libya .. i'm inviting u all to come watch the real funny movie when a libyan woman who has never been shopping outside libya using the trolly !!!!!!!!!!!
i was shopping today and i was hit by 3 of them , se bushes the trolly and looks back or her kid is imagining him self driving !!! it's so crazy , they should stop them coz what they call super markets are smaller than what they should be !!!
nice name ;)
welcome piccolina, lol, on eof the most painful things ever is having a trolley hit you at the back of your feet, some one once did that to me and they didnt even apologise, instead they mumbled something like 'you should watch where your going' cheeck...
u know that was just one of ur may wierdo stalkers!
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