Tuesday, December 11, 2007

why oh why is it so hard to wake up in the morning?
the initial process of opening the eyes when the alarm goes of is agony to the eye lids, but whats worse is processing the thoughts to your legs to get them to get out of bed!!!

you begin by sending messages to the legs but half way through your mind decides it doesn't really want to get up so the end result is half the body hanging of the bed with the head still stuck on the pillow aaaaaah.

and why is it time flies by when you don't want it to, the 5 minute snooze is more like a 2 second snooze, one of the most annoying sounds to be heard is the sound of the alarm, pretending to ignore it doesn't work because it gets louder and louder until you have to get up and shut it up.

life would be more easier if getting up in the morning wasn't such a chore...

or if we functioned through our dreams, now that would be cool, sleeping yet dreaming that your wroking, kill 2 birds with one stone, hmmmm now which drug on the market gives this affect.....


PH said...

LOL I'm going through that phase write now as well I think its the winter. You just stick your foot out from under the blanket and get a touch of how cold it is and scramble back in :P.

"why is it time flies by when you don't want it to, the 5 minute snooze is more like a 2 second"

On the weekend I woke up at 11:30 am and thought its a weekend I can snooze for like another half hour, right ? I fell asleep and woke up at 4:30 pm :)) ( that was after someone called me to wake me up :P )


Anonymous said...

It seems all Libyan Bloggers post at the same time :-)

This one you will like

if we functioned through our dreams, now that would be cool, sleeping yet dreaming that your wroking, kill 2 birds with one stone, hmmmm now which drug on the market gives this affect.....

There used to be The psychedelic drug LSD in 60's it worked wonders :-)

I am not going to feel sorry for you as I wake up at 4:00 AM or before and I am out of the house by 4:40 AM, even on the week ends I wake up early.

On the weekend I woke up at 11:30 am and thought its a weekend I can snooze for like another half hour, right ? I fell asleep and woke up at 4:30 pm :)) ( that was after someone called me to wake me up :P )

You remind me of my mother who used to say I do not understand how people waste their lives sleeping.
It seems you are single unless you are couch potato dad :-)

I envy you I wish I can sleep more than 6 hours a day.

The best part in the morning is drinking your coffee and reading newspapers. I can not do that at 4:30 PM.

Here is an excellent alarm clock



PH said...

"It seems you are single unless you are couch potato dad :-)"

LOL @ couch potato daddy ... no I'm single and I stay up late, because thats when I'm in the mood to do my work; so I sometimes sleep at 4/5 am ...... I really don't have a problem staying up late but waking up early , even when I sleep early, is a problem don't ask why though :P.


Anglo-Libyan said...

I had a day off yesterday and this morning I felt exactly as this post, the stupid snooze alarm kept going off and it never seemed as 5 minutes, I am so sleepy now after reading this :o)

white african said...

ph yeh winter really does play a role in wanting to stay in bed, you cant beat that cozy feeling.

lol @ waking up at 4:30, i thought only teenagers did that :)

annon ok now i feel sorry for you for having to wake up at 4am, although your right nothing does beat a good cuppa coffee and the latest news, though sleep is a good friend as well.

thanks for the link :0)

anglo hope you had a good day of, sleep sleep sleep sleep

Hiba said...

ur post made me smiling..i felt as ur talking about me..
well,befor i was waking around 7:00 Am and i wasnt` able to take my feet out my bed lool,i was sure that i wont` find any teacher in the work,they all came late..
but i have to go eairly more then them..
Now ,i am off of the work,3 months rest..i keep sleeping to 10:30 and my head start working alone then i woke up to see the clock then turn back sleeping LOL,maybe coues i have nothing to do..more then cleaning..
my friend told me sleeping in the winter morrning is the best thing to do..lol
when we descied to go out togthers i am telling her that i will pass on her around 9:00 am,but i keep sleeping then i go to her around 9:30 lool.
But you what...?
wake up eaily have diffrent test ..make you feel Strong and Created on ur face big smile too.

have a Good day dear

white african said...

lovely oh how i wish i could wake up at 10:30 :) that would be soooooooooooooo nice walahi.

enjoy it while you can before you have to work again and wake up at 7am am am am am am


lostkitty said...

I so know how u feel - the worst feeling as far as I am concerned is having to wake up. I like my bed and I especially love it in winter when I can snuggle deep into the covers and shut out the chill.

I hate that moment when the alarm goes off - having to open ur eyes and pull yourself from the cushion of sleep.... its the hardest thing. Once I am wake I am fine but that initial waking up really hurts!

white african said...

so true kitty, it really is painful lol