I got a text this morning that to be honest I wish I never got and never expected to get and I'm so disappointed.
the text was: 'we regret to inform you that we have been unsuccessful in obtaining visas for any price. We will arrange refunds soon'
I had such high hopes wallahi of performing hajj this year, I know that everything that happens in our life is for our benefit but I cant help feeling such sadness, I'm at work and seriously I cant be bothered working, twice I have answered the phone nearly in tears...
I still have some hope in me but its slowly fading and I really don't want to wait a year, I really was hoping to go and better myself and change my life completely.
subhanallah I keep saying to myself the same ayah over and over again 'do not hate something it may be that it is better for you'
but I'm so upset wallahi and I so know that I'm gonna be on a low for sometime, the visa people so need sorting out, its been mad this year loads of people from Britain are not able to go because of new laws of some sort.
I'm seriously considering crossing the border into Saudi without a visa, pay the man on the border some money to shut him up and hey presto hajj here I come...
ok joking aside, please pray for me people that whatever the outcome I am able to accept it and that if hajj is postponed a year for me then the year will pass in the blink of an eye lid..
I seriously need to take some time out from work though...
Ohhhhhhhh White african me too disappointed ,cos i wanted to ask u to pray and make due for me in Haj ,but it's Allah willing.
any way believe me we don't know where the good thing for us,it happens a lot for me when i plan to do some thing and suddenly some thing happen and change to do another thing,again its Allah willing say Alhemdo lilallah and every thing will be OK. but i can't understand the relation between Haj and changing ur life completely .u can change ur life without haj or u need people call u Haja white african .
take care
عسى أن تكرهوا شيئا وهو خير لكم
*leaves Oman, goes over to White African(in England), gives her a hug and a tissue"
I am so sorry habebti, you must be so upset and disappointed cuz you were so excited about going. But inshallah feeha kheir.
I hope you feel better soon!
brave heart thank you, and i am forever saying alhamdullilah liek you said only allah knows the reason. i know i can change without performing hajj but i really wanted the spirtual upliftment, but inshallah khair.
it would have been cool to be called hajjiyah though dont you think:)
lebeeyah your the best, (gives big hug back). alhamdullilah i'm fine with the outcome its just gonna take time to accomodate, i may hibernate for a while...
No! Please dont hibernate. you're upsetting my stomach now! meow!
I love your posts.
lol lebeeyah, i will try not to but my blog entries may be slightly depressing from now on :(
Sweety.....we will all be making lots of dua 4 u. InshaAllah everything will work out for the best.
For now here'z a hug from ur hmegurl (arms outstretched for the one and only WA)
ps: dont hibernate....we will miss you too much. But do take some time off work......
Cheer up white african
be strong ,we need happy white african not depressing one . i will tell u about some ways to restore confident again.
when you go home today entry ur room close the lights ,doors evry thing it must be dark and play Firoz records for an hour and u will see what will happen ,u will see the light come frome that darkness and u will be smiling and evry thing will be ok.
if nothing happen take a ticket and go to Hyde park ,take a seat in that lake ,spend hours in that greenness and believe me u will be cheer person in seconds .
take care
Sorry about your Visa problem. makes me wonder how many people make hajj without a valid Visa every year. I hope that you are able To make Hajj.
I'm very sorry to hear about this awful news. May Allah give you patience and may He fulfil your request next year. AMEEN!!!
Once again, and it's all too often that we forget, the plans of Allah will never consult the plans of man. No doubt, there is His wisdom behind this; you can't see it yet but you will in the fullness of time. Know this, and know this now.....Allah loves you, and this is why He is testing you. Stay strong...after all the rain has gone the sun will shine again for you Insha'Allah.
thanks so much native, really appreciate your kind words, i expect a real hug when i see you next inshallah.
thank you brave heart for your tips, i'm liking the idea of locking myslef in a dark room (maybe bang my head against the wall a couple of times :)lol, hyde park is to far away, i may just fall in the lake and drown, i'm feeling better though because of your comments so thank you :)
thank you edward, apparently loads of people manage to sneek in without a visa, may just try it myself :)
godfather for once i will not take the mick of what you said instead thank you for your words, they where a reminder and for that i am appreciative. thanks bro...
Whitey, when salma text me i was on a call and walahi i had to keep the tears back, am so gutted for ALL of you!
part of a hadith to comfort you.
"....know that if the nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, i would benefit you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you,..."
I can't imagine how you must feel, and there is nothing wrong with feeling sadness.
A hug coming your way at the myf:(
why? that is so disappointing especially that you were sort of certain of going!
I really am sorry, i think you got an evil eye from somewhere, I wish I could help you but I can't so be strong for yourself and your parents and brother if they did not get the visa as well, Allah knows your intention and that is good and InshaAllah sooner or later you become Haja Whiteafrican.
you should take sometime off work and try to take it easy. I am so sorry again.
nm thank you sis, and that was a good hadith to post, looking forward to all these higs :)
anglo thats the london saudi embassy for you, the whole group not just me thats over 100 people are not going, apparently out of 70 groups applying only 7 where given visas :(
thank you for your message, i may just take your advice and take time off from work..
I'm very sorry to hear such news. I thought you had everything in order, My sister-in- law and her hubby in Manchester were going but also got turned down.
AWWWWW!! I know how much you were looking forward to this. Like everyone has said - Allah knows best, and makes the best of plans!
Seriously, you are not the only one this has happened to, subhanallah. Infact, I just got an email from someone else this happened to.
I cant believe it- whats wrong with these ppl. WHY cant they give you a visa???
Dont worry anyway honey - its your intentions that count and Allah knows best whats in our hearts.
AWWWWW how dissapointing, but allah 3'aleb who knows maybe it's for your very best... I use that AYA all the time....it makes everything better.
And sincerly i will pray for you, maybe, who knows you can get another chance.
Keeping expectaton high lead to such a dissapoint, but cheer up a year will pass so quickly.
Still praying for you ;)
So sorry about that :( :( My mummy and little sister are equally devastated.
...And one day those 'Muslims' will have no oil and wake up to discover they're bedouins again.
Oh how i yearn to be alive to see that day. I'll be on my first flight to Saudi to join the female driving protesters!
Who gives them the right to deprive anyone of reward. Bastardos.
Scuse my french.
And the rant.
How are you feeling today?
thanks trabilisa, so sorry to hear about your sister in law, they must feel the same way i do, khair inshallah.
thanks kitty, still upset about it all, apparently the saudi/britain relationship isint doing so good at the moment so guess who gets affected those who want to perform hajj, idiots...
thanks ema that was lovley of you, hope the year does go past, i may perform umrah in the easter holiday so who knows :)
looool hana, luving it sis, i was really looking forwrd to performing hajj with your mum and sister as well, 7asbi allah wa ni3mal wakil on the saudi embassy...
can i join in the female driving protest thing?
lebeeyah better alhamdullilah, thanks to everyones lovley comments, although i dont want to be at work so i may go somewhere for a week or so any suggestions?
bastardos? hmm how very interesting.
Whitey i must say you were in good spirits yesterday at the myf and you certainly made my return to the myf after a period of 3 very smelly weeks of myf deprivation.
the hat and glass with the announcement...hilarious and salmas announcement and the bankers..what a night for announcements
come to Oman!
nm i am always in good spirits when surrounded by freinds alhamdullilah.
i completly forgot i was waering the hat when i made teh announcment, tut tut typical...
lebeeayh, hmmmmm oman sounds goooooood
The hat and the glasses....highlight of the night! The funny thing was the way you wore the hat...looool
I feel the need 2 mention queen nafratiti's hand gesture after the announcement...me liked it :D
I do hope you're feeling better WA.
Take Care
native i missed the queens hand gesture darn...
u gotta show me how she did it..
trabilisia i'm better alhamdullilah, i'm gonna write to the embassy and do something about the situation, not gonna stay silent inshallah...
babe, i know how u feel, am in the same boat
am trying to book a alast minute holiday
but i need my passports back and need to knw when your free?
will be gone from 3-days to a week max
jst need to get away
call me
we'll talk IA
love you lots
I am very sori 4 u but I think the problem is with the company not the embassy cuz they are not registered.
it's definitely bad news but you're taking it the right way bar a little frustration which is normal... and you are so lucky to be surrounded by such great friends who obviously care so much! God does have His reasons and so we must only abide by His will. :-)
take time out and come with me for some sun WA. Go o you know you want to...
lady k im free up until jan cause i booked my time of for hajj..
sami are you sure the company is not registered becaus i'm pretty sure that it is,any way the point is there is corruption on a wide level...
mondays child thanks and your right :)
ever i wud liv to join you, who knows...
I am pretty sure it does not fulfil the registration criteria annonced by Saudi Embassy at the beginning of the year for Hajj and Umrah. U can check that on the embassy web site cuz they have listed the companies long time ago. It is the same problem for a friend of mine but he dicovered it early and changed from Dews mos group to Dome tours which is registered company. Good luck next time in sha Allah. I do not why some companies are like that they do not say the truth. I think you have the right to sue them for not telling you the truth !? Sami
thanks smai, im goingh to look into this inshallah.
i am so going to do my research for next year, lesson learnt..
Wish you all the luck and this link is to the approved list of agencies at the Saudi Embassy for future ref http://www.mofa.gov.sa/Detail.asp?InSectionID=45&InNewsItemID=48770
NB. I am sure it will be updated next year so you have to try and visit it again next year. Take care and all the luck insha Allah. Sami
thank you sami, you have been a great help, may allah reward you inshallah.
i know a couple of sami's, are you by any chance one of them?
I do not think you know me cuz I did not meet you before !? I came across your page by accident :) ! well not really, It was through browsing Libyan bloggers. Anyway, nice talking 2 u and we may know each other in the future! who knows ? Good Luck and keep it up .. Do not loss your control and Allah will sure help you. Have a nice holiday ! Salamat, Sami
I know exactly how you feel!!! When a stupid travel agent two years ago messed up my visa, and then didn´t want to give me back my money deposit, I was ready to use violence. It took me weeks to get over that screw up. I had been having lucid dreams about the Kaaba and I was actually kissing the black stone and doing tawwaf in my dreams while waiting for the visa, when that idiot presented a visa to my then 12 year old son but had messed up a visa for me!
ALthough I myself have been inside Saudia by crossing the Saudi-Jordanian border illegally (sooo easy!), I do not advice you to try to reach Mecca al Mukaramah without the proper papers. Road control is so tense you will probably be apprehended, especially a lone female wandering about.
welcome safia, thanks for that tip, its very tempting to cross the border but i think i will restrain myslef :D
its a pity how some travel agents really dont get it right!!! oh well i have learnt my lesson inshallah.
its gonna have to be next year i suppose
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